Verkhovsky was born in Moscow (USSR), on February 11, 1962. He graduated
from Moscow Oil and Gas Institute in 1984 with a MS degree in applied mathematics.
From 1984 to 1989 he worked as a software engineer for several research
From 1983 to 1988 he had been taking part in dissemination of Samizdat
From the early 1988 to mid-1989 he had been a member of a democratic
organization "Civil Dignity" and from June of 1988 – a co-editor
of it's samizdat bulletin.
In April of 1989, he became co-founder and editor-in-chief of samizdat
newspaper "Panorama". The newspaper had been published in a regular
basis until 1991. Then, the team of it's editors and authors established
Information and Research Group "Panorama" (now – Information
and Research Center "Panorama"),
where he became a vice-president.
In 1992-1993 he had been taking part in creating "Labyrinth"
database and designed and created another database – "Prosopograf".
Now he work with Internet resources of "Panorama".
In 1992-1994 his main interest was focused on politics in Central Asia.
From 1994 on, he has turned to political extremism in Russia. Presently,
he is also exploring the interrelation of religion and politics.
Starting from October 2002 his main position is - a director of SOVA Inforation and Analysis Center.
Major publications:
Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Political spectrum. 1992
The topic of Central Asia in Russian society. Expert researches,
media publications, statements of politicians. 1994
Vladimir Zhirinovskij and Liberal-Democratic party of Russia.
Political extremism in Russia (co-author). 1996
National-patriotic organizations in Russia. History, ideology, extremist
tendencies (co-author), 1996
National-patriotic organizations. Short data, documents and texts
(co-author), 1997
Nationalism and xenophobia in Russian society (co-author), 1998
Religious factor in politics and in ideology of religious movements
in Russia and Kazakhstan, 1989-1997 (co-author). 1998
Political Xenophobia. Radical Groups. Mentality of the Leaders. Role of the Church. (co-author). 1999
(other publications - look here)
Updated and extended information - on the homepage: averh.narod.ru
E-mail: averh@yandex.ru